domingo, 4 de agosto de 2024

#2 Relatos & Entendimentos de Experiências Místicas / Reports & Insights from Mystical Experiences


Maybe life is this.

Just talking and seeing and caressing the sweet donkey, not minding if I'm feeling the so called connection to nature like they say it's supposed to be. (Like stopping comparisons and pressure to be like anyone else and feeling quite at peace with it. Just f*cking accept it).

I think I see fluorescent colors, but how do I really know, if at this moment I only own my momentary subjective perception and senses, not my subjective perception and senses at any other given time?

I can't be in two dimensions at the same time and I can't seem also to remember it. That's why it's so strange to me, to imagine winter cold when it's summer, and summer warmth when it's winter. I noticed this already, many times before. So subtle.


Maybe life is this.

Acknowledging the littleness of our micro human experience, when there's clearly something beyond that is not rationalizable. It cannot be comprehended, and that's it, but I try so hard, I always tried so hard to understand existence, and I remember this teenage resistance I had about accepting we are all the same because we are all unique, so I would never be extraordinary. Now, I recognize this ego of mine, but I couldn't always do it.

(Man, I hate flies!)

Maybe life is walking and having philosophical insights, and write them down to give meaning and to feel important in my insignificance.



Possibilidade: talvez eu seja uma alma nova, sem vidas passadas, e me sinta overwhelmed por perceber esta ferida existencial, este "fate". É um aperto no coração, aperceber-me da minha unicidade e insignificância num só corpo. Esnagada pela minha própria insignificância, com tristeza e com rendição.


Crescimento só é válido através da dor?

Terá mais valor se for através da dor?

Será que desvalorizo o crescimento se ele não vier com a dor subjacente?

Se for fácil, será crescimento? Se for prazeroso?


Maybe life in its purest form is just sitting here and receiving wisdom downloads from the Universe.


Every little thing is so overflooding with meaning. Fluid meaning.


Apenas contemplação.

Do que vejo.

Do que oiço.

De tudo o que se passa nas periferias dos meus sentidos.


E de repente, nesta tenda, num momento de lucidez, clareza, vejo vários processos individuais a ocorrer, todos intensos, cada um perdido na sua noção de (falsa) importância, todos numa miscelânea de micromundos cheios dos seus próprios significados insignificantes.

Suddenly, we are all just 5 year olds crying their hearts out for being unseen, unvalidated, abandoned, abused in all ways possible. It's the collective wound.


A desolação é coletiva, mas a cura também.


Life waves, Love waves.


Lessons coming to real life

So [the next day], they are all doing yoga. And just like the nature connection to nature thing (or lack thereof), I second guessed myself (again), with this "it's supposed for me to be doing this". But I don't feel connected to it. I don't know why and I realize now I don't need to have a why for this. It just doesn't feel like "my thing" at my core. So why should I be doing something that doesn't resonate with me, just because (almost) everyone else is doing it? I need to be faithful to myself [this is really a lesson I need to learn better and I understood that now better then ever]. If I just rather lay here, lost in my many existential thoughts and life lessons I've been acquiring, so be it. So now I say to my inner critic: let go of expectations and "supposed to"'s. Just do you with no guilt.


Some lessons...

- in superation / resilience

- in growth through pain, but also not undervaluing growth if it happens through pleasure, shortcuts, or it's "easier" (deconstruction of preconceived constructs that are not mine at all)

- in connecting to the suffering of others who hurt and abuse us, in having compassion with it but setting limits, and to navigate those intricate complex relationships, respecting the other's wounds while protecting my internal well-being

- in trusting that everything is OK when I don't have a way to know or control it

- in letting go

- in letting go of control

- in forgiving

- in accepting

- in not being so self-critical

- in accepting that life comes with every emotion and that's valid, and I don't need to doubt myself about my feelings in order to accommodate others

- in not comparing myself to others

- in accepting myself as I am

- in being more patient and gentle with myself

- in receiving with no guilt, accepting the loop of giving and receiving as an exchange of energy

- in life-long, experiential, body kind of knowledge, expanding learning

- in living my truths


I understood I have many deep existential scars, but I also have so many internal resources and inner wisdom. 

Life gets overwhelming sometimes, but I feel strong enough to deal with it.


[This is not escaping, on the contrary, is getting more deeply in touch with what's important, it is to confront some hard truths and pains in order to transcend them and grow through them.]

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