domingo, 4 de agosto de 2024

Internal wisdom in a body kind of knowledge


Human beings are created through love making. There are obviously some exceptions, but that is how it usually, originally happens. The natural form of new life creation is through Love. 



In my perspective, we are Love. We are made of love, to love, to spread love, to be love. 

So, how do we, along the way, kind of lose touch with this love-base, somehow along the way we tend to lose some of it, or forget about it, or misuse it, perceive it mistakenly?

Look at babies and children! All they want a need is to simply be. They simply exist. They are love. They are connection. They are the purest form of existing. The true and authentic freedom of being a child.

I really think that child-like state, that blissful, truly liberating form of just being is our most truthful and primitive state, our essence, our core.

As we grow older, life brings and builds upon us all of the filters, the defensiveness's, the protections, the fears, the judgements, the prejudices - with ourselves and others - and so on. We tend to go on path of separation, instead of union. We tend to forget we all share a collective energy, consciousness, that is made of, again, love. We start seeing others for their differences, rather than the similarities. We stop seeing souls, and we start seeing bodies, ways of dressing, ways of looking, social statuses, jobs.

Our Ego grows and makes us stop living in that blissful child-like state. Yes, Ego has its functions, it exists for a reason, but it also makes us stop knowing how to reconnect to that child-like, just existing state of being. Just who we truly are at our core. Our true essence as humans, which is connection, love, happiness that comes from within. That essence of "just existing" is our most true, primitive, pure way of being. It's an holistic, heart-align way of existing.

In my opinion, regardless what happens to us throughout life that makes us lose touch with this love-center we all have, it is essential that we regularly access it. It is absolute  key that we can remember what really matters, what we are really made of. When we access this intimate, centered, aligned, pure, love state we do have inside, because we are made of it, we are born with it, that is extremely healing, therapeutic.

Internal wisdom

Each time more I feel like I have this internal wisdom about everything I wrote above. It's like I just know it, in a body kind of knowledge. Accessing it really helps me dealing with life's challenges.

It is far from being positive, happiness, blissfulness all the time. Real life exists, the filters, the defensiveness's, the protections, the fears, the judgements, the prejudices - with ourselves and others - that I described above, they all exist, they are also part of our human experience. 

While I don't think we should deny them, on the contrary, I think we should acknowledge that they also exist within us, for me at least is extremely therapeutic when I call myself to that aligned center. Because I've accessed it quite sometimes throughout my life, each time more I work on myself, I practice how I can access that more and more easily, effortlessly, just reminding me that those emotions are transitory, reminding me how I must process them and let them go, not get too wrapped up in them, because they are states, not the truth. The truth is that center, that consciousness, the rest is almost like smoking mirrors. We do have this internal healer, and I feel it more and more.

I do think sometimes is fun to play the human part, feel all the emotions, get wrapped in the human game, but it is so important to be just aware that all of that stuff is not the real thing. I like to see life as a theater, in which we do play parts, in which we do have personas, in which we do get involved in all the drama, the internal voices, savoring it, but always knowing there is this center, this real just existing state that we must access regularly to remind me of what really matters. That is accessing to the internal wisdom. And this wisdom doesn't occur on a mental level, it occurs on a body level. It's like just knowing, just a truthful knowledge that doesn't even require active thinking. 

For me, when I access this deep intimate real-center, it's such a clarity, such a feeling of "it is so obvious", like a healing certainty about my short existence.

While I do fight a lot within myself and do question a lot about the meaning of life, when I can access this center of mine, this internal wisdom, that gives me a huge sense of peace about it. It really makes me feel like it just makes sense. It gives meaning. It gives me plenitude and wholeness. And finally, I do believe, if more people had this awareness of their love-wholeness center of being and practice how to access and really feel it, there would be much less separation in the world, wars, intolerance, prejudice, resentment, criticism, and little annoying things of daily life like small talk, gossip, talking bad about other people, mistreating other people, yelling, hitting, writing in complaint books, honking in traffic lines, and so much more. This is not to say I don't do any of that ever (also because, really, and realistically, sometimes we gotta play the part in small talk to maintain an existence in the social-work world), but each time more I consciously try to avoid it, recognize when I'm doing it and try to call myself back out of it, always mindful that those things, though they do have a function, don't really matter at all when we put them into the perspective of real live and real love.

So, I am really happy that I can have these insights, that I can feel them and integrate them into my life, really grateful that I get to, each time more, understand and live this in my long-life journey of self-discovery.

I am just, overall, grateful for life and with a full heart. I wish to preserve it and live it in a more genuine way.

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